The German-Uzbek Khorezm project - a sustainable approach to agricultural and ecological innovation in Central Asia
پذیرفته شده برای پوستر
عنوان دوره: یازدهمین کنگره علوم خاک ایران
Christopher Martius1 ، johannes P.A Lamers2 ، Paul L.G Vlek2 ، Ahmad Mossadegh-Manschadi2 ، Ruzumboy Echchanov3
1Center for Development Research,University of Bonn Germany,International Center for Agricultural Research in dry araes (ICARDA),Program for Sustainable Agricultural in Central Asia and and the Caucasus(CAC),tashkent,Uzbekistan
2Center for Development Research,University of Bonn Germany
3State University of Urgench.Urgench,Khorezm District,Uzbekistan
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